About Me

Hi humans!

Life is hard, so let’s share in it together. Adventure with me into ADHD, queerness, mental health and some tips and tricks for existence. To start off, I suppose I should answer the classic question, “Who am I?” (cue existential dread). I’m a goofball attempting to explore life and learning how to be better at it one tiny step at a time. I adore writing and performing and consider myself an entertainer. You can often catch me making silly faces or doing ridiculous voices. I’m a drama kid at heart, what can I say?  Slam poetry, a type of performance poetry is also dear to me. I feel so at home on the stage and love being able to share that emotion and intensity with others. Creativity has always been an important outlet for me.

If you couldn’t tell by my blog name, I adore cats! I have two kitties who make life more fun. They bring me comfort on the tough days. Pickle, who I adoringly refer to as my disability buddy, has helped me a lot through my mental health and physical health struggles. Seeing her sweet, little face brightens my day and brings me a sense of calm. The younger of the two, T-Rex, keeps me laughing with his spunky attitude and playful spirit.

 I deeply value community and connection which is a giant chunk of why I wanted to start this blog. I think experience sharing is crucial to growth. Part of my own journey of self-acceptance has come from seeing other people’s positive or honest examples of their journey. Shame can be a huge driver for behavior, which I can vouch for. We are all afraid in some way of people seeing the real us. But if we can embrace the parts of ourselves that we think are unlovable, I think we can find more joy than we ever could have imagined.

I want to delve a little deeper into my own mental health issues since it will be an important part of this blog.  As for diagnoses, I have ADHD, fibromyalgia, migraines, and the anxiety and depression that tag along for the ride. Most of my adult life has been learning to cope in ways that serve me. Not to mention figuring out self-acceptance, phew that can be a tricky one. The struggles I have aren’t new for me, but I am learning to take them on with a fresh perspective. One of the most shocking things for me was how much being diagnosed was as a sigh of relief. There were so many things in my life that didn’t make sense to me. The panic attacks, the self-hate, the struggle to do things the way people said I was “supposed” to be able to. I learned to wear masks but the first step to starting to lower the mask was understanding what was even going on.  It has been strange and delightful to be more honest with myself. When you have spent a lot of time hiding your identity because of fear, it gets muddled and foggy. Here I am though, figuring it out and putting it all together. I am so proud of that!

With all of that said, I want this blog to be a place of connection. My goal is to share some of my own life perspectives, insights, coping mechanisms, struggles, joy, pain, and just day to day existence. Happy to have you!
