Caution…Healing in Progress

Healing is one hell of a mess! I wish people talked more about this topic. Once you decide to start the journey of healing your trauma, a lot of things actually get worse. That’s right folks, you heard right, WORSE. No one likes hearing that. Because it’s discouraging, because its daunting, and mostly because if you are traumatized chances are […]

Embracing the Mess

Having a mental illness is a strange experience to say the least. Trying to accept it, is an entirely different struggle. Imagine growing up and feeling like something isn’t quite right. You aren’t entirely sure what seems to make you different, but you see it. The inconsolable crying, the dark thoughts, the panic attacks, feeling like so many things don’t […]

Tricky Transitions

Three years ago, I would have never imagined my life as it is right now. In fact, there was nothing to really imagine. I didn’t have any ideas about the future. The future felt like a burden and life in general seemed like a chore. Getting through each day was like pushing against a pile of bricks that were too […]